



    Combined rhinoplasty is a high protocol, as
    it provides the opportunity to solve more than one aesthetic problem in a
    single anesanaesthesiasion.


    Combined rhinoplasty is mainly planned for
    patients who have other aesthetic needs in addition to rhinoplasty. Still,
    sometimes the doctor may also have recommendations on this issue because a
    successful aesthetic nose surgery must be compatible with the contours of the
    face and skin structure.


    In other words, the fact that the facial
    contours after nose surgery are incompatible with the new nose image can lead
    to the fact that the nose that has been done will stand out and get an
    unnecessary emphasis. In this case, it is not enough to have made a perfect
    nose because the holistic aesthetic harmony of the face has not been achieved.


    Combined rhinoplasty is increasingly
    preferred because it brings a holistic and compact aesthetic perspective to
    aesthetic nose surgeries.


    is Combined Rhinoplasty?

    Depending on the patient’s needs when
    planning rhinoplasty, operations such as raising low eyebrows, making
    cheekbones prominent, and lifting the face upwards are included in this
    protocol and perforsimultaneouslytime, depending on the patient’s needs.


    Combined rhinoplasty has been gaining
    increasing popularity lately because its holistic aesthetic understanding has
    become the current point of view in surgical and non-surgical aesthetic
    applications. Aesthetic nose surgery makes the renewed nose look more
    compatible with other face elements.


    Combined rhinoplasty, which has many other
    advantages, is a handy option for us surgeons because it allows us to achieve
    an organic facial expression.


    Is Combined Rhinoplasty Performed?


    Combined rhinoplasty is performed in an
    operating room environment under general anaesthesia with the help of a wide
    range of methods and tools used in nose surgeries, with the open or closed
    rhinoplasty technique according to a specially created surgical protocol.


    The most crucial stage of combined
    rhinoplasty is a detailed aesthetic examination, during which the doctor
    carefully listens to the patient.


    During this face-to-face interview, which
    is carried out to understand the patient’s complaints and expectations best,
    the holistic aesthetics of the face and other elements, especially the nose,
    are evaluated in terms of aesthetic ratio.


    In addition to rhinoplasty, the applications
    requested by the patient and the aesthetic changes they will create are
    evaluated by the doctor or the patient with the doctor’s recommendations. An
    operation plan is designed according to the procedures and techniques to be


    Rhinoplasty Techniques


    According to the patient’s current nose,
    which techniques will be used in nose surgeries are determined during the
    examination. One of these techniques is no better or worse than the other.


    The main thing is to determine the correct
    technique for the nose to be reconstructed and perform it in the best way.


    Combined rhinoplasty can be performed using
    both open and closed rhinoplasty techniques:


    Combined Rhinoplasty with Open Technique

    Along with open nose surgery, for example,
    thread lifting and facial rejuvenation are combined rhinoplasty plans that we
    often practice. Thus, the tightening of the face, lifting the low eyebrows, and
    prominent cheekbones refresh the facial expression while the nose is renewed.


    Thanks to combined rhinoplasty, we get a
    much more aesthetically consistent result. Wrinkle removal, jawline regulation,
    Jawline, mid facelift, and cheek and cheekbone filling are some of the
    procedures combined with open rhinoplasty.


    Combined Rhinoplasty with Closed Technique

    Combined rhinoplasty can also be performed
    using the closed nose surgery technique. In the same way, the combined
    rhinoplasty protocol with the closed technique is planned to meet the
    anatomical and aesthetic requirements of the face.


    With combined rhinoplasty, it is possible
    to eliminate asymmetries in other face elements, such as lips, ears, forehead,
    eyebrows and eye area, chin tip and jawline, and reposition their posture
    according to aesthetic ratio.


    Holistic Approaches to Combined Rhinoplasty Surgery

     The tools and methods used in aesthetic

    nose surgeries performed with an open or closed technique are selected
    individually and repeatedly in each operation within these holistic approaches.
    So we can make natural and flawless noses.


    Have More Than One Aesthetic Procedure At the Same Time!


    In addition to having more than one
    aesthetic simultaneously provides many advantages, it allows us to see the face
    as a whole, especially when it comes to rhinoplasty. It always allows us to get
    satisfactory results in favour of the patient.


    The main thing here is an experienced team
    of doctors working on the issue of combined aesthetic procedures.


    Combined rhinoplasty is a laborious process
    that is advantageous for the patient and requires serious care for the doctor.


    That Can be Performed Together with Rhinoplasty


    Rhinoplasty+Thread Lift

    Thread lift is a highly comfortable and
    popular facial rejuvenation/lifting application performed with tiny incisions.
    When combined with rhinoplasty, it becomes much more comfortable under general anaesthesia.


    Combining nose surgery with a thread lift
    due to a mid-facelift and lifting on the cheeks allows us to solve many
    problems with a single application. It is a great aesthetic formula to
    rejuvenate the face and refresh the gaze and a renewed nose.


    Rhinoplasty + Fox Eyes

    Fox Eyes, or Almond Eye Surgery, as it is
    known in Turkey, can also be performed by thread lifting. It is another of the
    procedures that we do very often in combination with rhinoplasty.


    Especially in people who have left nose
    surgery at an advanced age or whose eyelids are structurally low, planning an
    eye surgery simultaneously with nose surgery is a highly effective and
    aesthetically holistic approach.


    Rhinoplasty + Crow’s Feet

    We can say that there are many ways to get rid of crow’s feet. The lines around the eyes can be removed with a thread lift
    and other techniques to stretch the temple and rejuvenate the area around the


    It is a practical solution to interfere
    with the smile lines on the nose and the smile lines formed around the eyes
    during application. Thus, the new nose looks completely harmonious with the


    Rhinoplasty + Forehead Lift

    A sagging forehead reduces the skin’s
    resistance to gravity, and the sagging skin leaves itself downwards, which will
    also affect the nose, causing the wrinkles to deepen.


    Combined rhinoplasty collects the sagging,
    loosened forehead skin upward during aesthetic nose surgery, reduces the load
    on the nose, and allows us to get a much more pleasant image.


    Rhinoplasty + Cheekbone

    The anatomical condition of the nose
    sometimes overshadows the appearance of the cheekbones, making them stand out excessively.
    Since the patient’s attention is no longer on the nose after nose surgery,
    other asymmetries or aesthetic defects on the face often become noticeable.
    Combined rhinoplasty is a procedure that we recommend to the patient,
    especially when we foresee such situations.


    Because the cheekbones are reshaped or
    positioned so that they are compatible with the nose, the patient remains much
    longer than their nose.


    Rhinoplasty + Jawline

    The shape and appearance of the jawline and
    where the tip of the jaw stands affect the body and expression of the face as
    much as the nose.


    Rhinoplasty + Nasolabial Lines

    Starting from the outer side of the
    nostrils and descending to the edge of the mouth, the person looks older as the
    nasolabial groove deepens.


    One of the things we check before
    rhinoplasty is the nasolabial lines. If these lines are deepened, it is essential
    to plan a combined rhinoplasty to prevent dissatisfaction after surgery because
    after the nose is made, such lines/defects become more visible.


    Rhinoplasty + Fine Lines and Facial Sagging

    Wrinkles and stabilised lines caused by ageing,
    genetic causes, environmental factors, and the use of facial expressions cause
    tired and old facial expressions. In the same way, sagging on the cheeks and sagging
    of the face make the contours of the face silicier, and the person looks older
    than s/he is.


    Combining nose aesthetics and facial
    rejuvenation for men or women with such complaints is a promising approach for
    the patient. The renewed nose may seem incompatible with the worn skin tissue,
    which also casts a shadow on the success of nose surgery.


    Is Combined Rhinoplasty Suitable For?


    Combined rhinoplasty is suitable only for
    all individuals who will not be satisfied with the improvement on their face
    with rhinoplasty.


    Especially in cases such as sagging skin,
    asymmetry or aesthetic defect in the jawbone, the tip of the jaw is too far
    behind or too far ahead; combined rhinoplasty is an excellent solution for men
    and women of all ages who want to solve these minor problems together with nose


    Age Limit for Combined Rhinoplasty


    Anyone can have a combined rhinoplasty from
    the age of 18.


    In young people who have reached the age of
    16 with the consent of their parents, it is possible to perform combined
    rhinoplasty, provided that the development of facial bones, nasal bone and
    cartilage tissue has been completed.


    Combined rhinoplasty is especially
    appropriate nasal aesthetic planning for people of advanced age.


    and After Combined Rhinoplasty


    Before combined rhinoplasty, the detailed
    aesthetic examination process is more complex than aesthetic nose surgery.
    According to the procedures to be performed, the steps after creating a personalised
    operation plan proceed similarly to rhinoplasty surgery.


    The healing process after combined
    rhinoplasty also shares similar methods with rhinoplasty surgery.


    Does Edema Subside After Combined Rhinoplasty?


    Edema goes down in a significant amount in
    about 20 days. After combined rhinoplasty, it takes two months for the face to
    take its final shape and the edema to largely subside.


    is the Duration of Hospitalization After Combined Rhinoplasty?


    The night of the operation is spent in the
    hospital, under supervision, and the next day, after the check-up by the
    attending physician, the patient is discharged.


    to Pay Attention for After Combined Rhinoplasty


    Following the recommendations of your
    doctor as much as possible after combined rhinoplasty promotes a more
    comfortable healing process, and the result will be much nicer:


    It is
    important not to bend down during the first 48 hours.

    The use of
    alcohol is strictly prohibited until your doctor gives permission

    It is
    necessary to stay away from high heat environments such as sauna, hammam, and solarium.

    sports should be suspended for a while.

    prolonged exposure to the sun is not recommended.

    taking a shower, it should be paid attention that the water is not too pressurised
    and not too hot.


    Combined Rhinoplasty Performed in the Summer?


    It can be done, but in summer, there is
    such a fact as making extra efforts to protect yourself from the harmful
    effects of the sun. People who are sure that they will behave sensitively
    enough can also have a combined rhinoplasty in the summer.


    Revision Rhinoplasty Be Planned as a Combined Rhinoplasty?


    Of course, it can be planned, and even in
    most cases, it becomes almost mandatory to plan revision nose surgery in the
    form of combined rhinoplasty. It is a correct approach to answer this question
    depending on the severity of the deformation and how long it has been since the
    first nose job.


    Does the Nose Get Its Final Shape After Rhinoplasty?


    The nose takes its final shape within 1-1.5
    years after combined rhinoplasty.


    of Combined Rhinoplasty


    aesthetic applications performed in the same anaesthesia session are much more
    economical than having these procedures done at different times.

    Since it
    is performed under general anaesthesia, it is maximally comfortable for the

    completing the healing processes together, you save time and reduce the hassle
    of the healing process.

    The result
    is highly aesthetically satisfying, as it allows us to achieve holistic
    aesthetic regeneration.


    Rhinoplasty Istanbul/Turkey


    Due to our experience in combined aesthetic
    surgeries in Turkey, medical tourism patients worldwide especially prefer
    Istanbul to achieve the change they dream of.


    The increasing popularity of combined
    rhinoplasty among aesthetic nose surgery procedures in Istanbul is an actual
    result of our success in this field.


    Rhinoplasty Prices


    Combined rhinoplasty prices are
    individually budgeted in each case according to the procedures to be performed
    in addition to rhinoplasty.

    Suppose non-surgical aesthetic practices
    are combined simultaneously with rhinoplasty. In that case, the cost of
    aesthetic procedures performed with small incisions, such as facelift, and thread
    lift, differs from the financial picture that occurs when combined.


    It is worth recalling that the prices for
    combined rhinoplasty are lower for aesthetic applications combined with
    rhinoplasty than for performing them one by one

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