MLS (Endolaryngal Microsurgery) – OP. DR. CENK TEKER





    MLS (Endolaryngal Microsurgery) Microscopic Vocal Cord Surgery

    Formations on the vocal cords, such as nodules, polyps, and cysts, which appear due to improper use of the voice, cause chronic hoarseness and should be treated.

    What is a vocal cord?

    Our vocal cords are soft connective tissues consisting of two reciprocal intramuscular non-muscle mucous membranes located in the larynx cavity.  These tissues are connected from the bottom and are situated so that the middle is open. Sound occurs due to the vibrations created by the air coming from our lungs when it comes out of here. These two mutual tissues constantly bump into each other to produce sounds, and by doing this process, they also have the most traumatised tissue property in the human body.

    What causes hoarseness?

    The vocal cords that work this way can get sick and not perform their function, just like any other organ. Changes in the voice, such as hoarseness, are most often due to disorders related to the vocal cords.

    Hoarseness sometimes occurs due to regional acute diseases or overexertion of the voice and is temporary. Sometimes hoarseness also becomes chronic. The causes of this chronic hoarseness are factors such as nodules, polyps, smoking, neurological problems, larynx cancer, and reflux that occur in the vocal cords.

    The nodule that causes hoarseness in the vocal cord is a slight swelling that occurs when the voice is overexerted for a long time. They usually happen when professionals such as teachers, singers, and politicians who work using their voice misuse the voice for a long time.

    In people who are not treated or do not change their habits about using their voice, vocal cord nodules can become polyps by experiencing bleeding with continued difficulty and causing hoarseness to become chronic.

    Why is Mls surgery performed?

    It is a surgical procedure performed to remove nodules, polyps, and cysts formed in the vocal cords and examine the larynx and pharynx areas around the vocal cords with a laryngoscope.

    How is Mls surgery performed?

    It is an operation performed under a microscope with general anaesthesia. The duration of the process is about an hour. Although it may vary according to the doctor’s opinion, usually, the patient can be discharged after spending the rest period in the hospital after surgery.

    After Mls Surgery

    The most crucial element to be considered after MLS surgery is that sound rest is performed until the day recommended by the doctor (usually one week). To not damage the vocal cords, it is necessary not to feed too hot or too hot. Smoking and alcohol should not be used, and activities that will strain the throat should be avoided. If the patient has reflux disease that will trigger vocal cord discomfort, it should be treated after surgery. In addition, specialist support after MLS surgery related to using the voice correctly will eliminate the recurrence of the disease.

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