Surgical Treatment of Snoring and Sleep Apnea – OP. DR. CENK TEKER





    If sleep apnea, which means snoring and stopping breathing during sleep, is not treated, it causes diseases that seriously affect the quality of life.

    What is UPPP Surgery? 

    Surgical Treatment of Snoring and Sleep Apnea

    UPPP (Uvulo Palato Pharyngo Plasty) is an operation performed to eliminate snoring and sleep apnea disorders. UPPP is aimed to open the airway that narrows by reducing the small tongue.

    The primary purpose of UPPP surgery is to treat snoring. As the severity of the difficulty experienced in breathing while sleeping increases, it also brings problems that seriously affect the quality of life.

    Sleep apnea is when the airways become clogged with oxygen drops entirely or partially during sleep, and sleep is interrupted. These blockages are the most severe form of snoring. If sleep apnea, which means that breathing stops during sleep, is not treated, it can cause many diseases, especially heart diseases.

    Some of the symptoms of sleep apnea include;

    ·         Snoring

    ·         Noticeable pauses of breathing during sleep

    ·         Waking up with a headache, sore throat

    ·         Dry mouth

    ·         Difficulty breathing when waking up

    ·         Distraction, sleepiness

    What causes sleep apnea?

    Sleep apnea occurs when the muscles in the throat area relax. These muscles that relax narrow with breathing, making it difficult for a person to breathe. Because of this, the oxygen level in the blood drops, causing the person to feel unable to breathe. As a result, breathing returns to its normal state only when a person wakes up from sleep. 

    Excess weight, tonsils larger than usual, and tongue lagging are among the causes of sleep apnea and snoring. Congenital or subsequent defects can also cause sleep apnea in some cases.

    How are snoring and sleep apnea diagnosed and treated?

    A detailed examination is carried out to diagnose this ailment, which is the subject of attention of the Otolaryngology department. After the patient’s history is listened to, the oxygen level, heartbeat, brain waves, muscle tension and respiratory activity are measured with the sleep test. As a result of a sleep test, sleep apnea can be determined with its full scope.

    How is the UPPP surgery performed?

    Elimination of snoring and sleep apnea is made possible by removing a small part of the tongue, tonsils and even the soft palate, which is the cause of the vibration that occurs in the soft tissue due to the narrow space that blocks breathing.

    UPPP surgery is preferred because of the low risk of bleeding after it, and the patient recovers in a short time.

    The process after UPPP surgery

    According to the patient’s condition after sleep apnea surgery, there may be a one-night hospitalisation, or it may be possible to be discharged after 4-5 hours. Patients should consume soft foods for a few more days after 1-2 days of liquid nutrition, as indicated by their doctor. After UPPP surgery, they may experience complaints such as sore throat and ear pain that decrease every day for 5-6 days.

    Are There Any Risks of UPPP Surgery?

    In the later years of sleep apnea and snoring surgery, there may be repeated loosenings, growths in the tissues of the soft palate, uvula, pharynx, and root of the tongue that have been restored by surgery due to ageing, weight gain, or different disorders, and snoring-sleep apnea may recur. But it should be remembered that due to this possibility, postponing the treatment of such complaints can lead to much more dangerous consequences.

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